DANCE 24H 2021

29.04.2021r. International Dance Day
Place: Katowice Miasto Ogrodów
Video: Wojciech i Joanna Nowak

24h dance is my way to celebrate the International Dance Day. It started on 04/29/2014. during the dance event organized by Anna Piotrowska at the National School for Theatre Arts, Dance Theater Department in Bytom. The event lasted 8 hours. I found that after 8 hours of dancing I had so much energy that I would not stop.

This year, as always, it was like in a dream. I danced for my friends and people who influenced me. Thinking I was dancing for them, I still had energy. Sometimes it seemed to me that I had no power anymore to continue but as soon as someone join and start dancing with me I immediately realized that I was just thinking I have no power but I was wrong. Life is always full of life.

DANCE 24H 2021

29.04.2021r. International Dance Day
Place: Katowice Miasto Ogrodów
Video: Wojciech i Joanna Nowak

24h dance is my way to celebrate the International Dance Day. It started on 04/29/2014. during the dance event organized by Anna Piotrowska at the National School for Theatre Arts, Dance Theater Department in Bytom. The event lasted 8 hours. I found that after 8 hours of dancing I had so much energy that I would not stop.

This year, as always, it was like in a dream. I danced for my friends and people who influenced me. Thinking I was dancing for them, I still had energy. Sometimes it seemed to me that I had no power anymore to continue but as soon as someone join and start dancing with me I immediately realized that I was just thinking I have no power but I was wrong. Life is always full of life.

DANCE 24H 2021

29.04.2021r. International Dance Day
Place: Katowice Miasto Ogrodów
Video: Joanna i Wojciech Nowak

24h dance is my way to celebrate the International Dance Day. It started on 04/29/2014. during the dance event organized by Anna Piotrowska at the National School for Theatre Arts, Dance Theater Department in Bytom. The event lasted 8 hours. I found that after 8 hours of dancing I had so much energy that I would not stop.

This year, as always, it was like in a dream. I danced for my friends and people who influenced me. Thinking I was dancing for them, I still had energy. Sometimes it seemed to me that I had no power anymore to continue but as soon as someone join and start dancing with me I immediately realized that I was just thinking I have no power but I was wrong. Life is always full of life.

TANIEC 24H 2020

April 29, 2020 I celebrated the International Dance Day in a small studio apartment because of the first lockdown. I danced for my teachers. I devoted each hour to another person with whom I learned to dance and acting. I was inspired by their movement, temperament or ideas.

 The 24H Dance inaugurated the project "Dance Extraction at the Mine of Movement", which we carried out with the team Imagination Space Center thanks to the funds from the National Institute of Freedom and the Civic Initiatives Fund under the program "Śląskie Lokalnie"

TANIEC 24H 2020

April 29, 2020 I celebrated the International Dance Day in a small studio apartment because of the first lockdown. I danced for my teachers. I devoted each hour to another person with whom I learned to dance and acting. I was inspired by their movement, temperament or ideas.

 The 24H Dance inaugurated the project "Dance Extraction at the Mine of Movement", which we carried out with the team Imagination Space Center thanks to the funds from the National Institute of Freedom and the Civic Initiatives Fund under the program "Śląskie Lokalnie"


While dancing, I can experience complete freedom of expression, that is, my nature. And it's not about what it looks like and what I look like in it but what I experience. How I experience myself, people and the world. By dancing, I give a solemn sense of the moment, space and relationship. I celebrate movement, that is life.

While dancing, I can experience complete freedom of expression, that is, my nature. And it's not about what it looks like and what I look like in it but what I experience. How I experience myself, people and the world. By dancing, I give a solemn sense of the moment, space and relationship. I celebrate movement, that is life.